понедельник, 23 декабря 2019 г.

How to collect a Rubik's Cube?

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And here we come across the most important myth about assembling the Rubik's cube: most people believe that first you need to assemble one side on the cube, and then act somehow further. Even a preschooler can collect one side, but it is extremely rare to advance further. Because in fact, the cube is collected not on the sides, but on the layers.

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The classic Rubik's Cube is a three-layer puzzle. It can be represented in the form of a building, which has three floors.
In order to start assembling the cube, we need to choose the color with which we will start. Choose from six options. For example, blue.
Now we need to find the center of blue and take the cube so that this center looks up.

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And now we need to find 4 edges of blue color and assemble from them a cross on the roof of our building:

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By the way, another myth associated with the assembly of the cube is that the assembly should begin with a white cross. In fact, it makes no difference what color your first cross will be.
So, we have collected the cross on the roof of our cube-house. The color of the corners can be any, the corners do not interest us yet. Further, our task is to turn the ordinary cross into the right one. What does correct mean?
Gathering a cross on the roof, we paid attention only to one color of the ribs (blue), but each rib has two colors. It's time to pay attention to the second color of each rib that makes up our first cross.
Most likely, now your cube looks something like this:

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In the figure, a blue-red edge is placed in a cube between the blue and red centers - everything is true, this is its "rightful" place in the assembled cube. But the blue-orange rib stands between the blue and white centers. This place is not his ...
If your correct edges are nearby, then take the cube so that one of them looks at you and the second looks to the left, execute the PIF-PAF algorithm (shown in the figure), restoring the destroyed cross after the PIF-PAF in one motion:

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If the correct edges are opposite each other, then we take the cube so that the correct edges are to the right and left of us, and we execute the algorithm shown in the figure:

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Now we have turned the ordinary cross into the right one! We make an interception (we take a cube so that our cross is below:

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And now for the corners that have a blue color. You need to look for them in the upper layer of the cube (on the roof or third floor):

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Now we need to carefully look at the two other colors of this corner. In our example, these are white and orange. Between which centers is our corner now? Between yellow and red (they are on the second floor). These are not its centers.
We twist the roof until our corner stands between its centers:

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Well, now we determine the type of angle depending on where the color of our first cross (blue) looks at him:

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The right amount of Mutual Investment Fund-Assets will help us put the corner in its “rightful” place in the cube:

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So do the rest of the corners of the selected color. If there are no corners of the desired color in the upper layer, and the first layer is still not assembled, we find the desired angle in the lower layer, take the cube so that the corner is on the lower right from the front and make one regular PIF-PAF:

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So, with the help of simple PIF-PAFs, we arrange all the details of the first layer in their rightful places. The blue-white-orange corner stands between the blue, white and orange centers - where it should be in the assembled cube.
Now try to independently arrange the details of the second layer. In the second layer on the cube, there are only centers (they are already in their places) and edges (there are four of them in each layer).

Детские комбинезоны

Китайская компания Kalborn довольно популярна у отечественного покупателя. Несмотря на довольно узкую специфику предлагаемой компанией продукции, в основном это спортивная одежда для любителей горнолыжного спорта.


Вряд ли найдётся родитель, которому безразлично, во что одет его любимый малыш. Особенно родители задумываются о качественной одежде в межсезонье и холодное время года. Детские комбинезоны от Tokka Tribe - это возможность позаботится о тепле и комфорте малышей и детей. Финский бренд Tokka Tribe предлагает заботливым родителям тёплую, и надёжную верхнюю одежду.


Geburt – это китайский производитель многочисленных товаров для детей, в том числе и одежды. Продукция данного бренда представлена в сети таких магазинов как RichFamili,TutSuk и др.

Ассортимент продукции представлен комбинезонами для девчонок и мальчишек, которые ходить еще не умеют и для ребят чуть по старше, делающих свои первые шаги или уже уверенно бегающие на своих ножках, для носки в зимний период и демисезонные вариации. Иными словами, комбинезоны фирмы Geburt предназначены для малодетской и детской аудитории.


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